Thursday 20 January 2011

I'm yours right now

I almost had kittens last night when I went to retrieve my beloved skull and cross bones ring from it's secret hiding place.... and it was not there!!!!! 

The ring was custom made as a gift for my 21st Birthday from my sisters... it's white gold and contains the 13 diamonds from my Mamas engagement ring (why she chose to have 13 diamonds on her engagement ring I will never know!!) Needless to say, I was rather distraught at the thought of having misplaced such a valuable item to me. 

But, as luck would have it, during a thorough clear out of my closet I stumbled across it in the attic amongst the belongings I had stored before LA. Thank heavens! I was beginning to think we had a klepto ghost! I am so overjoyed I could scream!!!

This guy is fast becoming one of my heroes haha... what a character!!!

Screamin Jay recounts "I wanted this to be a bluesy love song, but my manager brought chicken, ribs, and whiskey to the recording session. We all got drunk and came out with this weird, spooky version. I dont even remember recording the song."

Love, love

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